In my academic practice, I develop a methodology for viewing contemporary art that utilizes Spinozan Ethics to centre the powers of the viewing body as it encounters an artwork. Thinking about these encounters as singular events. I theorize how we combine with the art we see, learn from it, and move these capacities elsewhere. Drawing from philosophies of vitalism and other theories of interconnection and dynamism, I see these practices of viewing as staging the ground for enchantment in an otherwise disenchanted world.
When I look at art, I begin with the research questions, What does this work do to me? Does it increase or diminish my capacities, and in what ways? This forms the ground for my arts writing and criticism, where I use my body as an affective guide to explore art, and what it can reproduce in the world.
I am a mixed race person of Asian descent. My aim is to centre non-white artists, and feminist and queer perspectives in my work.

Curriculum Vitae
Yani Kong is a writer, editor, and scholar of contemporary art in Vancouver, Canada. She has recently published essays for the Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation, Vancouver BC, the Freedman Gallery, Reading PA, and is a regular contributor to Galleries West as well as multiple national and international publication. She is SSHRC Doctoral Fellow of Contemporary Art at the School for the Contemporary Arts (SCA), Simon Fraser University, researching reception aesthetics and contemporary art history. As a member of the Low Carbon Research Methods Working Group, she explores sustainable practices in streaming media. Kong is a faculty member in the department of art history and religious studies at Langara College and the BC and Yukon Representative for the Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC).
2024 PhD: The School for the Contemporary Arts, Simon Fraser University
2011 MA: Theory, Culture, and Politics, Trent University
2006 BA: Art and Culture Studies, Simon Fraser University
Instructor, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Teaching Areas: Community and Culture, Humanities, Art and Media History
Instructor, Langara College, Faculty of Art History and Religious Studies, Teaching Areas: Contemporary Art History, Cultural Theory in the Arts: 2021-present
Instructor, Art and Activism (CA 314), Simon Fraser University, School for the Contemporary Arts (SCA): Spring 2018
Site Supervisor, Internship for Sylvia Zhi with Comparative Media Arts Journal (CA 306), Fall 2018.
Publication Supervisor, Directed Studies for Mallory Gemmel (CA 888), The Role of the Editor with Comparative Media Arts Journal, Fall 2018
Reader, Extended Essay, Mallory Gemmel (CA 829), “All that I need is the Air that I Breathe,” in partial fulfilment for the Degree of Master of Arts, July 2018.
Dr. Laura Marks, September 2016-December 2021
· Editorial Assistant, Marks, Laura U., From your Body to the Cosmos, Volume I and Volume II, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, forthcoming.
· Editorial Assistant, Marks, Laura U. and Stephen Makonin et. al, Tackling the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Knowledge Synthesis grant program, “Living within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity,” October 2021.
Dr. Claudette Lauzon, January 2017-September 2017
· Editorial Assistant, Lauzon, Claudette and John O’Brien eds., Through Post Atomic Eyes, Kingston, ON: McGill-Queens University Press, 2020.
· Editorial Assistant, Alvarez, Natalie and Claudette Lauzon, Karen Zointz eds., Sustainable Tools for Precarious Times, London, UK, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
· Event Organizer, Troubling Times and Ecologies of Nothingness, Speaker, Karen Barad, March 20, 2017.
Programming, Grant Writing, Small File Media Festival, June 2023-Present
Managing Editor, Comparative Media Arts Journal, Simon Fraser University, September 2017-September 2021
Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Performance Studies, Simon Fraser University, 2016-Present
Peer Reviewer, Comparative Media Arts Journal, Simon Fraser University, 2015-Present
Editorial Board, Comparative Media Arts Journal, Simon Fraser University, 2015-2016
Symposium Organizer, Curiosities: Symposium in Comparative Media Arts, Simon Fraser University, 2014.
Kong, Yani, Laura Marks and Stefan Smulovitz, “Examining the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media in Online Teaching and Learning,” Living Lab Initiative, SFU Sustainability, Vancouver, BC, Completed January 2022.
Kong, Yani, “Archives of No Place: The Frivolous Line in Mounira Al Solh’s Portraiture,” (Re)presentation of Refugees in Media: Local and Global Perspectives, Eds. Uddin, Nassir and MD. Delwar Hossain, London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, Forthcoming.
Walker, Dawn and Yani Kong, “Reimagining Networks: Speculative Thinking for Low-Carbon Research Networks,” Low-Carbon Research Methods, Ed. Pasek, Anne, London, UK: Goldsmiths College, Forthcoming.
Kong, Yani, “Review: This Atom Bomb in Me, Lindsey A. Freeman, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2019.” Memory Studies Journal, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Review: Abject Visions: Powers of Horror in Art and Visual Culture, eds. Rina Arya and Nicholas Chare, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2016.” RACAR, Vol. 43, no. 22, 2018.
Kong, Yani, "What is this New Moment? The Art of Urgency in This Now, More than Ever," Comparative Media Arts Journal, Issue 4|Slowness, October 2018.
Kong, Yani and Laura U. Marks, “‘You can’t look into my eyes.’ The Aesthetics of Small File Cinema,” Small File Photo Festival, Unthinking Photography: The Journal of the Photographers Gallery, May 2023.
Kong, Yani, “Shaheer Zazai X Yani Kong,” Le Sigh, Issue 06, November 2022.
Kong, Yani, “Things Were Never Normal: The Photography of Leah Frances,” Exhibition Essay, Leah Frances, Freedman Gallery at Albright College, Reading PA, Forthcoming, 2022.
Kong, Yani, “Something Other than What is There,” Exhibition Essay, We can only hint at this with words: Russna Kaur, M.E. Sparks, Andrea Taylor, The Gordon and Marion Smith Foundation, April 2022.
Kong, Yani, “Introduction,” Comparative Media Arts Journal, Issue 10|Enchantment, Disenchantment, Reenchantment, August 2021.
Kong, Yani, ed., Comparative Media Arts Journal, Issue 10|Enchantment, Disenchantment, Reenchantment, August 2021.
Kong, Yani, “The Great Refusal: In Conversation with Michelle Nguyen,” Public Parking Journal, May 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Three Doors to the Past, Present, and Future: In Conversation with Cindy Mochizuki,” Public Parking Journal, July 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Seeing America from the Outside: Leah Frances and the Still Persisting World,” American Squares. New York, NY: AINT-BAD, 2019.
Igbokwe, Odera and Yani Kong, “How do I sew together the fractures of the diaspora?” Comparative Media Arts Journal, Issue 6|Aesthetics of Heterogeneity, September 2019.
Kong, Yani, Session Chair, “Wild Combination,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Vancouver, BC, October 2023 (Forthcoming).
Kong, Yani, “Scaler Extremes: Anicka Yi’s Fermented Umwelts,” College Arts Association, Chicago IL, February 2022.
Kong, Yani, Session Chair, “Immaterial Material: The Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media in Online Teaching and Learning,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Vancouver, BC, October 2021.
Kong, Yani, “A Hotter Compost Pile: Anicka Yi’s Fermented Umwelts,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Vancouver, BC, October 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Going to Pieces: Cinematic Disintegration at the End of the World,” College Arts Association, New York, New York, February 2021.
Kong Yani, Session Chair, “Enchantment, Disenchantment, Reenchantment: Rethinking Practices of Interconnection in a Century of Crisis,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Vancouver, BC, October 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Archives of No Place: The Frivolous Line in Mounira Al Solh’s Portraiture,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Vancouver, BC, October 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Going to Pieces,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Quebec City, Quebec, October 2019.
Kong Yani, Session Chair, “Affective Framing: Curatorial Experiments and Reception Aesthetics,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Quebec City, Quebec, October 2019.
Kong, Yani, “The Place of the Encounter: Using the Body to Navigate Art,” Uncommon Senses II: Art, Technology, Education, Law, Society – and Sensory Diversity, Concordia University, Montreal, May 2018.
Kong, Yani, “‘What is this New Moment?’ The Art of Urgency in This Now, More Than Ever,” Universities Arts Association Congress (UAAC-AAUC), Banff, Alberta, October 2017.
Kong, Yani, “Falling and Other Bodies: The Unpublishable Bodies of September 11th,” Spaces of Remembering and Forgetting: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Memory Studies Research Cluster, South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership, University of Bristol, UK, 2017.
Kong Yani, “They Can Not Just Disappear: The Unpublished bodies of September 11th,” UBC 40th Annual AHVA Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2017.
Kong, Yani, “Examining the Carbon Footprint of Streaming Media in Online Teaching and Learning,” Pacific Institute of Climate Science, University of Victoria, Video Conference, February 2022.
Kong, Yani, “A Certain Feeling of the Universe: A Theory of Enchantment for Contemporary Global Art,” Reed College, Fall Art History Speaker Series, Portland OR, November 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Pushing Against the Substitution Effect: Best Practices for Carbon Neutral Streaming in Remote Teaching and Learning,” Burnaby Festival of Learning, Vancouver, BC, April 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Re-enchantment: Radical Encounters with Art after 9/11,” Vancouver Institute for Social Research, The OR Gallery, Vancouver, 2016.

Kong, Yani, “Sonja Ahlers” Galleries West, Sept. 25, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Jeremy Shaw,” Galleries West, July 17, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Fashion Fictions,” Galleries West, July 3, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill,” Galleries West, June 19, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Abraham Oghobase” Galleries West, June 5, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Ornamental Cookery,” Galleries West, May 22, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Iodame,” Galleries West, May 8, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Alanis Obomsawin,” Galleries West, April 24, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Karin Jones,” Galleries West, March 27, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Jagdeep Raina,” Galleries West, February 13, 2023
Kong, Yani, “The Willful Plot,” Galleries West, January 30, 2023
Kong, Yani,” Carmen Papalia and Co-Conspirators,” Galleries West, January 16, 2023
Kong, Yani, “Chantal Gibson,” Galleries West, November 14, 2022
Kong, Yani, “Last Hurrah at the Rennie,” October 17, 2022
Kong Yani, “Vanessa Brown,” Galleries West, October 3, 2022
Kong, Yani, “Venice Biennale: Magical Thinking in Troubled Times,” Galleries West, July 2023
Kong, Yani, “Indivisible,” Galleries West, June 2022
Kong Yani, “Jay Senetchko: Living in a Time of Crisis,” Galleries West, May 2022
Kong, Yani, “A Minaret for the General’s Wife,” Galleries West, May 2022
Kong, Yani, “Cloud Album,” Galleries West, April 2022
Kong, Yani, “Brendan Lee Satish Tang,” Galleries West, February 2022.
Kong, Yani, “The Digital Turn: Keeping Art Accessible in a Time of Crisis,” Galleries West, December 2021.
Kong, Yani, “2021 Critic’s Picks: Vancouver,” Akimbo, December 2021
Kong, Yani, “Steven Shearer,” Galleries West, November 2021.
Kong, Yani, “A Tale of Oil,” Galleries West, November 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Lawrence Abu Hamden at the Audain Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, October 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Takao Tanabe,” Galleries West, August 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Interior Infinite: Costumes, Carnival and a Celebration of Reversal,” Galleries West, July 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Disorientations and Echo,” Galleries West, June 2021.
Kong, Yani, “MirNs at New Media Gallery, New Westminster,” Akimbo, June 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Leon Polk Smith,” Galleries West, May 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Ian Wallace,” Galleries West, May 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Vivek Shraya,” Galleries West, April 2021
Kong, Yani, “Brendan Fernandes,” Galleries West, March 2021.
Kong, Yani, “Sanctuary: The Dakota Bear Ancient Rainforest at the PuSh Festival, Vancouver,” Akimbo, February 2021.
Kong, Yani, “2020 Critic’s Picks (Quarantine Edition, Part 2),” Akimbo, December 2020.
Kong, Yani, “In Place of Sight at the Audain Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, December 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Soundings: An Exhibition in Five Parts at the Morris and Helen Belkin Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, October 2020.
Kong, Yani, “God in Reverse Online at Richmond Art Gallery,” Akimbo, July 2020
Kong, Yani, “After the Future, Streaming Online,” Akimbo, June 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Open Justice, Online Exhibition,” Akimbo, April 2020.
Kong, Yani, “David Wojnarowicz at the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, March 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Cindy Mochizuki and Howie Tsui at the Burrard Arts Foundation, Vancouver,” Akimbo, February 2020.
Kong, Yani, “Wael Shawky at the Polygon Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, January 2020.
Kong, Yani, “2019 Critic’s Picks, Vancouver,” Akimbo, December 2019.
Kong, Yani, “Martin Creed at the Rennie Gallery, Vancouver,” Akimbo, November 2019.
Kong, Yani, “Lisa Jackson the Fei and Milton Wong Experimental Theatre, Vancouver,” Akimbo, October 2019.
Kong, Yani, “Mark Preston, Trace Yeomans, and Rande Cooke at the Fazakas Gallery,” Akimbo, August 2019.